Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria = To God Alone be the Glory. This blog exists for COG youth to glorify God through connecting online and discussing a wide range of issues, from theology to dating, from missions to movies, and the basic business of living-where in all things our battle cry is Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Favorite Experiences and Quotes from Toronto

Well folks,
Its been a little while since I last posted. But I wanted to say hello, and welcome back to America! For those of you who went to Canada it was a marvelous time. For those of us who didnt go well then, how about we share some stories and quotes not just for those who didnt go but for memories sake.

My favorite quote from the Toronto trip was when Tyler talked about Anson, our VBS kid in our group. Caitlyn was telling us about how she met Anson and he was alone and seemed to be crying, being the good missionary that she was she decided to befriend him and get to know him. She found out that one of his hobbies was knitting. Everyone thought it was kinda funny that an 8 year old boy liked to knit and someone commented that maybe thats why he was by himself! And then Tyler comes to Anson's rescue and says well, "Maybe he has to knit to survive."
That definitely got the van rolling and thus became our quote of the week.

Any other funny or fond memories from the week? Or simply things that impacted you both spiritually or through the ministry we did.

I know I felt the presence of God at many times, especially the night when we sang praise songs and even though we were all hot and uncomfortable I felt like God was telling me that was nothing compared to the uncomfortableness that our Lord and Savior felt for us. It really made an impression on me and made me very grateful for what Jesus had done for me and I really do think that it helped me persevere and persevere gladly for the rest of the week.

How did this trip effect you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fri Aug 17, 10:05:00 PM  

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