Soli Deo Gloria

Soli Deo Gloria = To God Alone be the Glory. This blog exists for COG youth to glorify God through connecting online and discussing a wide range of issues, from theology to dating, from missions to movies, and the basic business of living-where in all things our battle cry is Soli Deo Gloria!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Does it feel like Groundhogs Day?

Ever see the movie Groundhog Day? It's Bill Murray at his best. I love this movie.
(Bravo ranked it 32 on all time comedies!)
If you haven't seen it, let me give you the premise of the movie.
A weatherman, Bill Murray, finds himself living the same day over and over again. (That day being Groundhogs Day)
He is reluctantly sent to cover a story about a weather forecasting "rat" (as he calls it). This is his fourth year on the story, and he makes no effort to hide his frustration. On awaking the 'following' day he discovers that it's Groundhog Day again, and again, and again. First he uses this to his advantage, then comes the realization that he is doomed to spend the rest of eternity in the same place, seeing the same people do the same thing EVERY day.

Does your life ever feel like this? Doing the same thing, seeing the same people, losing heart because everything feels mundane....its simply a daily grind.
Ever read Ecclesiastes?
Solomon wrote this book and he understood that life can sometimes seem lifeless.
Ecc. 1:8 "All things are wearisome, more than one can say." And there is no hope for tomorrow, as verse nine states, "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun."

Whats the point Solomon is getting at? Isn't he a follower of God? Why does he sound so hopeless?
The purpose is to demonstrate that life viewed merely from a realistic human perspective must result in pessimism. When we are left to mere human outlooks and efforts, life seems hopeless and meaningless. Human beings cannot begin to fathom the divine wisdom that undergirds and controls all things. Once human limitations are recognized, the faithful will gain a godly vision of life by renewing their reverence for God.
And in turn each new day is not simply wearisome but a joyful event. An opportunity to see something new. To do something new. To love life. Because God is in control. Because God made us. Because God loves us. God's vision of the world, of each day becomes our vision.

“If you think you are seeing the same show all over again seven times a week, you're crazy. Every morning you wake up to something that in all eternity never was before and never will be again. And the you that wakes up was never the same before and will never be the same again."- Frederick Buechner

When life seems dull, remember that it can be fresh. God's love is never stale but always powerful and vibrant. Let it rule your heart. And his love will rule the way you live each day. Loving God and loving others.


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